Hello Hi ! This is a simple "Bluetooth controlled bot" done by me and three other members as a part of selection to our college club. This one actually my second project but actually the first one I am posting. It is one of the best projects for those who wanted to get started with Robotics.
Components Used:
- Arduino
- L293D Motor Driver
- Bluetooth Module
- Castor Wheel
- 2x Motors
- Jumper Cables
- Battery
How Its Done ?
1. L293D
Refer to the pin configuration of L293D and connect accordingly. Input pins decide the control of your motor. 4 motors can be connected in a single L293D but but when you want your motor to turn in reverse direction only 2 motors can be controlled. Give the output pins to the motors and the input pins to the Arduino. Here I have connected the input pins to the 3,5,9,11 of arduino digital pins.
2. Bluetooth Module
The Bluetooth module has four pins VCC, GND, TX, RX.
- Connect The Vcc pin to 5V of arduino and connect the Ground pin to GND of arduino these pins provide the power to the Bluetooth module
- Connect the TX pin of module to RX pin of arduino .
- Connect the RX pin of module to TX pin of arduino
3. Arduino
In case you want to assign some other pins as RX and TX pin you can do it as follows :
SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(rx,tx);
And use this Bluetooth normally as you use Serial communication.
In this case you can use Bluetooth module to receive data in terms of characters. This can be seen in code posted below.
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